
"There's something in the air tonight that feels right."

Sorry I haven't written in a while. It's been busy and hey, the Buddha said, "Do not speak unless it improves upon silence."

Well tonight, "Things are not what they appear to be; nor are they otherwise." (Surangama Sutra)... okay okay, I'll stop hiding behind obtuse quotes. I find myself in the exact same position tonight that I found myself last night: it's midnight and I am not ready to turn in my paper that is due in the morning.

How did I let myself get here once again? Well, I had a beautiful shoot outdoors this afternoon for work (the weather was simply gorgeous), I spent time on 'pause' with Lindsey after that and drank tea and had delicious strawberries and kick-ass vegan pizza, then I got home and was unable to turn down a few games of bowling with the roommates (plus a few other people). Rather than freak out over the paper I wasn't finishing I gave myself fully to the game of bowling; I inexplicably named myself "the Killer Bee," I paid the jukebox to play "Shine on You Crazy Diamond," and commenced with the merriment. I broke 100 in both games (which id totally decent for me) and had a wonderful time.

I also had a chat with my friend Paul, for whom I am assuming the role of best man at his upcoming wedding, and decided that since I hadn't even seen him in person since he asked me to be his best man, we needed to get together this weekend... and have beers. That will have been long overdue.

After wrapping up some other loose ends as well, I find myself here with an amazing day under my belt and a broad smile on my face. I accept that I have put myself into this position with my paper: I'll have to stay up later tonight to get it finished, but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do for these unforgettable summer days.

The 14th Dalai Lama said, "Anything that contradicts experience and logic should be abandoned." Tonight, writing my paper earlier would have contradicted experience. I had a positively wonderful day, and there's nothing in the world I'm left wanting.
...except maybe one thing.


Anonymous said...

Hell Yes!


Lindsey in Lawrence said...

Shine on you crazy diamond...
That pizza was pretty kick ass.
Let's do it again sometime.

Hey! Let's jam sometime soon too!
I was down on Mass Street today and there were two gals with a guitar and a banjo. They were NO WHERE near as cool as we'll be.

Yeah yeah I know you're saying right now "Hey! I want a banjo!" but I don't know how well banjo and flute can play Beatles classics. Silly.