
Brand New Blog

Eschewing the accepted norms of Xanga and that dusty old Open Diary (of which I was ashamedly a part of in years past), I have decided to start a blog... not as some angsty young adult looking for acceptance in the vast openness of the interweb, but more as an independant filmmaker chronicling his attempts at starting a career in the film industry (rock on, that was a long sentence).

So jot down the name Mindtaker Pictures, and watch for that name to pop up in area film festivals, you might just like what you see. And if you don't, then I hope you don't work for any major studios.

So anyway, hello and welcome. I'll try not to make this thing too annoying, but quite frankly, you're reading this of your own accord, please quit whenever you like.

1 comment:

Derek said...

I put you on my Blogroll. Good Luck.