
"One thing I can tell you is you got to be free."

Well, I finally did something with the footage I shot at the 10,000 Lakes Festival. Nothing fancy by any means, but a good flavor of what the festival was like.
I had a fantastic night tonight, and what better way to remind myself of how beautiful life is than by reflecting on tonight's festivities and posting a video I shot when I was the happiest I can remember since... well, since before the summer.

Goodnight moon. Life is beautiful.


murielg said...

Gabe! This is amazing! Thank you so much for posting your video. I would like to talk with you sometime about the narrative structure. It seems like the tent setting up part happenned kind of late in the movie. The shots of your with the colors changing were not only fantastic images to mediatate on, but also acted as nice transitional elements in the narrative to imply both a passing of time and a location/storyline shift.
Good job! I would like to see the high res version sometime.

gabriel said...

Thanks so much for the kind words! I didn't expect anyone to enjoy this thing so much. :)
And actually, the dark night vision part was when we were setting up the tent, and the part near the end is us putting the tent away. Maybe that's unclear through the footage in there.

murielg said...

oh, that totally makes sense.