
Good old fashioned visceral experience...

So... after a little while tonight we decided to head out for a walk around campus (I know, woo hoo for us). We got to the campanile and I decided it would be awesome to head out to the 50-yard line on the football field (a la Dazed and Confused). No one else was game, so I alone jumped the first fence and headed over there. I hit another fence, at least 15 feet tall, and climbed it as well. The top was seemingly lined with razor-wire (I guess they really don't want trespassers), but I climbed over anyway. I cut myself up pretty badly (the pictures above are pretty tame compared to the rest of the cuts I got), but I made it out there and walked around by myself for a little while and laid out on the field at looked up at the stars.

Maybe it was a shitty idea, I am bleeding now and all, but I have no regrets. It was a lovely evening of visceral experience (see my last blog). I've earned a good nights right tonight, and I intend to cash in on it now. Good night world, I hope you sleep sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this entry. You don't know how glad I am to hear that other people I like and respect do stupid things sometimes and live to not regret it.
