
"This is your time, this is your day. You've got it all, don't throw it... away"

"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom."

If you haven't seen Vanilla Sky, I highly recommend that you check it out. It is perhaps Cameron Crowe's finest work, yet it continually falls behind Almost Famous and even Jerry McGuire on critics lists. Yes, it's simply an adaptation of Abre Los Ojos, but Crowe made Vanilla Sky his own movie in all regards.

I initially intended to give you a serious analysis on whether or not I would stay in the lucid dream presented in Vanilla Sky, stay in a the blissful ignorance of a consistently perfect life; stay plugged into the Matrix and taste steak and Tastee Wheat.
HOWEVER, I am currently sipping a Red Stripe in a recliner wearing my aviators and hanging out with a small group of people while listening to some badass jazz. Sometimes waxing philosophical over sophomoric hypothetical questions must take backseat to some good old fashioned visceral experience.

So if you are currently sitting down at your computer reading this, I implore you: go outside and dig your toes into the dirt. Go watch the sky move sideways. Go get your hear broken, just to let yourself know your heart still works. Life is an amazing thing even when we don't realize it. I choose to participate. For better or for worse. Now I've got some Red Stripe to finish.

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